For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.- Jeremiah 29:11-14 ESV
Shelle Frelo is Founder & President of HerFaithVillage.com Ministries an international ministry for women and youth. She also founded its daughter ministries – HerBibleStudies.com, HerFaithRadio.com, KeepinItRealInChrist.com, HerFaithVillage-Gatherings, HerWomensHub Community.
Shelle has appeared on TBN’s “Praise The Lord”, She has also authored dozens of Bible studies used by churches, ministries, and youth groups, spoken at numerous events, and hosts annual women’s and youth conferences and retreats.
The Holy Spirit’s Call To Service:
Over twenty years ago, Shelle was led by the Lord to establish a Christian publication ministry called Just For Us Ministries. Just For Us Ministries started as a weekly printed newsletter. The newsletter was limited to the women of her church and the women she knew but she kept feeling that God wanted her to do more. In the early 1990’s the newsletter was discontinued due to the financial burden of publication. It seemed that the ministry had ended shortly after it got started. In the mid 1990’s the Holy Spirit spoke to Shelle’s spirit again and Just For Us Ministries was reborn as an online newsletter (http://www.angelfire.com/mo2/justforusministry), But again she felt the tugging of her spirit to do more. In the late 1990’s through the prompting of the Holy Spirit Just For Us Ministries was re-developed yet again into a full blown women’s and youth ministry.
Just For Us Ministries was finally fulfilling the vision God gave her. Through the process of this ministry development Shelle learned to trust what she couldn’t see, believe what God says because He says it, and know that God’s Will will always be done no matter what.
Shelle’s personal life was also God’s way of revealing Himself to her as she experienced physical, sexual, and emotional abuse imposed on her by her mother’s boyfriend, her grandmother, and an uncle during childhood; homelessness, poverty, racism within her own race and beyond; and her insecurities about herself worth and physical appearance, as well as many other obstacles, disappointments, setbacks, and tragedies.
It was through these rough roads, speed bumps, and storms that God revealed that He was and is bigger than anything life could throw her way. She also learned God’s strength, the power of forgiveness and love which gave her an ever-deepening relationship with Christ Jesus.
Shelle often takes a moment or two to reflect on her life experiences, it was through one of those moments of reflection that Shelle realized that God permitted her to have the rocky life experiences she had to help mold her into the woman He needed her to be, to do the work He was calling her to do.
Shelle also for the first time understood that these situations and circumstances were used to prepare her to understand and connect with women and youth on many different levels and from different backgrounds.
Shelle’s life experiences and God’s grace has allowed her to be able to share with all those that her ministry touches the knowledge of the awesomeness of God.
She has shares through her ministry, her speaking engagements, Bible studies, and writings the victory of standing on the knowledge that an ordinary woman with all her flaws and imperfections can live an extraordinary faith through Christ despite her situation, circumstances, fears, and insecurities. Shelle teaches that God is not only able but wants to get us through the storms of life, His children obtain victory, and enable them to thrive through their faith and obedience to Him.
In 2020 Shelle changed the name of Just For Us Ministries to HerFaithVillage.com Ministries.
Though the name of the Ministry/Organization had changed the mission of the remained the same; to bring together women and youth from all walks of life, from all over the world to learn, witness, engage, share, and experience the teachings, ministry, and Salvation of Jesus Christ. To help women and youth learn, accept, and proclaim their worth and worth of others in the eyes of Jesus Christ. The Ministry/Organization continues to serve women and youth in crises and those that want to take their relationship with God to a deeper level.
Shelle even after all these years still works diligently through any vehicle that God brings into her path, to bring God’s love, mercy, and joy to a hurting world through the vision that God gave her all those years ago. She shares with women and youth the gift of having a servant’s heart. As this is the heart of Christ and Shelle believes that those that are Christ-followers should also share in His ministry and servant’s heart without jealousy, hesitation, or fear.
In Shelle’s words: “live life through God’s Word applied to everyday life” it is her goal to teach every individual to do just that.
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