Who is Shelle In A Nutshell?
I’m a…
Jesus lover. Baker. Family Chef. Techie. Coffee Connoisseur. Wife. Daughter. Sister.Aunt. Friend. Author. Speaker. Evangelist. Business Woman. Movie Lover. Artist. Choir Director. Ministry Leader. Closet Comedian. Nature Lover. Family-Minded. A Work In Progress. Country/City Girl.
…and a lover of all things that draw me closer to Christ.
What Family Looks Like
I was raised by a single mom who taught me that strength comes from God; always have a plan B; and live by the choices I make; I am the oldest of three and am extremely close to my brother and sister who are my friends, confidants, accountability partners, and sometimes even my advisers; I have been married for 28 years and am blessed that God gave me a husband that allows me to answer God’s calling on my life no matter what it may be at the time or where it may take me; My niece is my buddy and constant reminder to practice what I preach; My dad and I are learning how to be father and daughter and how to love each other in a way that brings glory to God.
What My Faith Looks Like
My faith is what makes me who I am. My walk with Christ is moment-by-moment, day-by-day. He prunes me, shapes me, grows me, and molds me constantly to be the woman, the Christian that He wants me to be. Sometimes what He reveals is uncomfortable, and sometimes it’s downright ugly but I’ve learned to trust that although I’m a work in progress, in Christ I am made perfect and the growing pains that I experience in my walk with Him is all a part of growing up.
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